Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (2024)

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If you’re craving the comforting flavours of bananas, then you’re in for a treat! In this blog post, I’m sharing a delightful small-batch banana muffin recipe. With just one ripe banana and a handful of pantry staples easily available at the grocery store, you can whip up a batch of these moist and flavorful mini muffins. Get ready to savour the banana flavour in every bite of this irresistible combination. Let’s dive into this small batch recipe!

Why You’ll Love These Small Batch Banana Muffins

Here are a few reasons why you’ll love this one banana muffins recipe:

  1. Perfect Portion Size: This recipe is designed for a small batch of muffins, making it the perfect recipe for those times when you want to enjoy freshly baked muffins without having an excess of leftovers. It’s just the right amount to satisfy your cravings without overwhelming you with too many muffins.
  2. Moist and Tender Texture: These delicious muffins are incredibly moist and tender, thanks to the addition of mashed bananas in the batter. The result is a soft and fluffy texture that practically melts in your mouth, making every bite a delightful experience.
  3. Easy and Quick: This recipe is straightforward and requires just one bowl, making it a breeze to whip up. With minimal preparation and baking time, you can have a batch of warm and fragrant muffins ready to enjoy in no time.
  4. Versatility: While this recipe focuses on banana muffins, you can easily customize it to suit your preferences. Add nuts, dried fruits, white chocolate chips or dark chocolate chips for chocolate chip banana muffins or even a swirl of cinnamon to create your own unique flavour variations. The basic small-batch recipe serves as a canvas for your creativity.
  5. Great for Sharing: These muffins are perfect for sharing with loved ones. Whether you want to surprise your family with a delicious breakfast or bring a homemade treat to a gathering, these mini delights are sure to impress and leave everyone asking for the recipe.
  6. Freeze for Later: If you can’t finish the batch in one sitting, don’t worry! These muffins freeze well, allowing you to enjoy them at a later time. Simply store them in an airtight container or freezer bag, and they’ll be ready whenever you have a craving or need a quick snack on the go.
Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (1)

If you’re looking for other easy small batch recipes, try these:

Tips for Making the Perfect Banana Muffins

Here are some simple tips to help you make perfect muffin recipe:

  1. Use Ripe Bananas: Use fully ripe bananas for the best flavour and texture. Ripe bananas are sweeter and easier to mash, resulting in moist and flavorful muffins.
  2. Mash the Bananas Well: Mash the bananas until smooth and free of lumps. This ensures even distribution of banana flavour throughout the muffins.
  3. Measure Ingredients Precisely: Accurate measurements are crucial for baking. Use measuring cups and spoons to measure the ingredients precisely, especially the flour. Too much flour can make the muffins dense and dry.
  4. Don’t Overmix the Batter: Overmixing the batter can lead to dense muffins. Mix the ingredients until just combined. It’s okay if there are a few small lumps in the batter; they will disappear during baking and will ensure you get moist muffins.
  5. Fold in Mix-ins Gently: If you’re adding mix-ins like chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruits, fold them into the batter gently. Overmixing at this stage can result in tough muffins. Distribute the mix-ins evenly using a rubber spatula without overworking the batter.
  6. Preheat the Oven Properly: Ensure that your oven is preheated to the correct temperature before baking the muffins. A properly preheated oven helps the muffins rise evenly and bake to perfection.
  7. Don’t Overbake: Keep a close eye on the muffins while they’re baking. Overbaking can lead to dry and tough muffins. Insert a toothpick into the center of a muffin; if it comes out with a few moist crumbs, they are done. Remove them from the oven promptly.
  8. Cool Properly: Allow the muffins to cool in the muffin pan for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely. Cooling in the pan helps set the muffins and prevents them from becoming soggy.
  9. Store and Reheat Correctly: To keep your banana muffins fresh, store them in an airtight container at room temperature for a couple of days. If you have leftovers, you can freeze them in a freezer-safe bag or container. To enjoy them later, thaw them at room temperature or warm them up in the microwave for a few seconds.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to making perfect banana muffins every time. Enjoy the delightful flavours and moist texture of these homemade treats!

Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (2)

Why Do I Need Overripe Bananas In Baking Recipes?

Using overripe bananas is beneficial for several reasons when making banana muffins:

  1. Enhanced Flavor: Overripe bananas have a stronger and sweeter flavour compared to underripe or perfectly ripe bananas. The natural sugars in the bananas develop further as they ripen, resulting in a more intense banana taste in your muffins.
  2. Moisture and Texture: Overripe bananas are very soft and easy to mash. They have a higher moisture content, which adds extra moisture to the muffin batter. This moisture helps create a tender and moist texture in the finished muffins.
  3. Natural Sweetness: The sugars in bananas become more concentrated as they ripen. Using overripe bananas in your muffin recipe allows you to rely on the natural sweetness of the fruit, reducing the need for additional sugar. This can result in a healthier muffin with a balanced sweetness.
  4. Improved Binding: Overripe bananas are naturally gooey and sticky. They act as a binding agent in the muffin batter, helping to hold the ingredients together. This is particularly beneficial in recipes that use less fat or eggs, as the mashed bananas provide moisture and binding properties.

So, while you can use bananas at different stages of ripeness in your baking, using a brown banana or overripe bananas specifically for banana muffins can result in a more flavorful, moist, and sweet end product.

Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (3)

How To Ripen Bananas Quickly

If you need to ripen bananas quickly for baking or other purposes, here are a few methods to help expedite the process if you are in a pinch!

  1. Paper Bag Method: Place the unpeeled bananas in a paper bag and loosely fold the top to partially seal it. The bag will trap the ethylene gas produced by the bananas, which speeds up the ripening process. To accelerate the process even more, you can add an apple or a ripe tomato to the bag, as these fruits also release ethylene gas. Leave the bag at room temperature, and check the bananas every 12 hours until they reach the desired ripeness.
  2. Oven Method: Preheat your oven to 300°F (150°C). Place the unpeeled bananas on a baking sheet and bake them for about 15-20 minutes or until the skin turns black. Keep a close eye on them to prevent them from becoming overly soft or mushy. Once the bananas are out of the oven, let them cool before using them in your recipe.
  3. Microwave Method: This method is the fastest but may affect the texture of the bananas slightly. First, make a few small incisions in the unpeeled bananas with a fork or knife. Place the bananas on a microwave-safe plate and microwave them on high power for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Check the bananas and repeat the process in 30-second intervals until they become soft and mushy. Be cautious when handling the hot bananas, as they can release steam. Allow them to cool before peeling and using them in your recipe.

Remember, while these methods can accelerate the ripening process, the bananas may not reach the same level of sweetness and flavour as naturally ripened bananas. Use your judgment to determine if the bananas have ripened enough for your desired outcome.

Important Note

It’s also worth noting that if you have ripe bananas but aren’t ready to use them yet, a great way you can extend their shelf life by placing them in the refrigerator. The skin may darken, but the fruit inside will remain sweet and usable for a few more days even though it might look like a spotty banana.

Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (4)

Ingredients For Small-Batch Banana Muffins

Here’s a list of basic ingredients you’ll need to make this Small Batch Banana Muffins recipe!

  1. Banana: The mashed banana serves as the star ingredient in these muffins. It adds natural sweetness, moisture, and a distinct banana flavour. The ripe banana lends a delightful aroma and helps keep the muffins tender and soft.
  2. Egg: Eggs provide structure and stability to baked goods. They help bind the wet ingredients together and contribute to the muffins’ texture, giving them a light and fluffy consistency.
  3. Vanilla Extract: Vanilla extract enhances the overall flavour of the muffins. It adds a warm and comforting aroma, balancing out the sweetness of the bananas and other ingredients.
  4. Vegetable Oil: Vegetable oil adds moisture and tenderness to the muffins. It helps keep them moist and prevents them from becoming dry. Oil also contributes to a softer texture compared to using solid fats like butter.
  5. Flour: All purpose flour is the base ingredient in most baked goods. It provides structure and stability to the muffins, helping them hold their shape. The flour also acts as a binding agent, ensuring the other ingredients are well incorporated. You can also substitute for, whole wheat flour, oat flour or gluten-free flour if needed.
  6. Brown Sugar: Brown sugar adds a rich, caramel-like flavour to the muffins. It also contributes moisture and helps create a nice layer of flavour. You can also substitute the brown sugar with coconut sugar, coconut palm sugar, or 1/2 cup granulated sugar if needed.
  7. Baking Soda: Baking soda is a leavening agent that helps the muffins rise. It reacts with the acid present in the bananas and other ingredients, creating carbon dioxide bubbles, which contribute to a light and airy texture.
  8. Salt: Salt is a flavour enhancer that balances and enhances the sweetness in baked goods. It helps bring out the flavours of the other ingredients and adds depth to the overall taste of the muffins.

How To Make Small Batch Banana Muffins

  1. Preheat your oven to 325°F and prepare a muffin pan by greasing 6 of the cups of the muffin tin with cooking spray or lining them with paper muffin liners.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the mashed banana, whole egg, granulated sugar, and brown sugar. Stir until well blended.
  3. Add the baking soda, salt, and all-purpose flour to the banana mixture. Stir dry ingredients with a wooden spoon or hand mixer until just combined, making sure not to overmix.
  4. Optional Step: Gently fold in the chocolate chips or our other additions, reserving a small handful for topping the muffins.
  5. Spoon batter using a cookie scoop and divide the muffin batter equally among the 6 prepared muffin cups, filling each cup about three-quarters full.
  6. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.
  7. Remove the muffin pan from the oven and let the muffins cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.
Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (5)

How To Store Banana Muffins

If you want to store your delicious banana muffins for later, follow these steps to keep them fresh and maintain their flavour and texture:

  1. Cool the Muffins Completely: Allow the muffins to cool completely on a wire rack before storing them. If stored while still warm, condensation can form inside the storage container, leading to a soggy texture.
  2. Choose the Right Storage Container: Select an airtight container that is large enough to accommodate the muffins without squishing or damaging them. Alternatively, you can use a resealable plastic bag or wrap them individually in plastic wrap.
  3. Line the Container or Bag: Line the container or bag with a layer of parchment paper or wax paper to prevent the muffins from sticking to the surface and to absorb any excess moisture.
  4. Place the Muffins in the Container: Arrange the muffins in a single layer in the container or bag. If you need to stack them, place a layer of parchment paper or wax paper between the layers to prevent sticking.
  5. Seal the Container or Bag: Ensure the container or bag is tightly sealed to prevent air from entering and drying out the muffins. This helps to maintain their moisture and freshness.
  6. Store at Room Temperature: Store the sealed container or bag at room temperature in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or excessive humidity. Avoid storing them in the refrigerator, as it can make the muffins dry.

Banana muffins are best enjoyed within a few days of baking. They are at their freshest and have the best flavour and texture during this time. After a few days, the muffins may start to dry out and lose their moisture.

How To Freeze Banana Muffins

To freeze banana muffins for longer-term storage, follow these steps:

  1. Cool the Muffins Completely: Allow the muffins to cool completely on a wire rack before freezing them. Freezing warm muffins can cause condensation and result in a soggy texture.
  2. Wrap Individually (optional): Wrap each muffin individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This step helps to prevent freezer burn and maintain their freshness.
  3. Place in a Freezer Bag or Container: Place the individually wrapped muffins in a resealable freezer bag or an airtight freezer-safe container. Make sure to remove as much air as possible from the bag or container before sealing it. This step helps to prevent freezer burn and maintain the muffins’ quality.
  4. Label and Date: Label the bag or container with the date of freezing. This will help you keep track of their storage time and ensure you use them within a reasonable timeframe.
  5. Freeze Flat: If possible, freeze the muffins in a flat position to prevent them from getting squished or deformed. Once they are fully frozen, you can rearrange them in the freezer as needed.
  6. Store in the Freezer: Place the bag or container of muffins in the freezer, ensuring they are stored away from strong-smelling foods to avoid flavour transfer.
  7. Thaw and Enjoy: When you’re ready to enjoy the muffins, remove the desired number of muffins from the freezer and let them thaw at room temperature. Alternatively, you can warm them up in the microwave on a low setting or in a preheated oven for a few minutes until they are heated through.
  8. Consume within a Few Months: Frozen banana muffins can be stored in the freezer for up to 2-3 months. After this time, their quality may begin to deteriorate.

By following these steps, you can freeze banana muffins successfully, ensuring they retain their flavor and texture for a longer period. This way, you can enjoy homemade muffins whenever you have a craving or need a quick snack on hand.

Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (7)

Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins

Yield: 6

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 25 minutes

Delicious and moist small batch banana muffins recipe - perfect for a quick breakfast or snack. Easy to make and bursting with banana flavor.


  • 1 banana, mashed
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp of vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt


  1. Preheat your oven to 325°F and prepare a muffin pan by greasing 6 of the cups of the muffin tin withcooking sprayor lining them with paper muffin liners.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the mashed banana, whole egg, granulated sugar, and brown sugar. Stir until well blended.
  3. Add the baking soda, salt, and all-purpose flour to the banana mixture. Stir dry ingredients with a wooden spoon or hand mixer until just combined, making sure not to overmix.
  4. Optional Step: Gently fold in the chocolate chips or our other additions, reserving a small handful for topping the muffins.
  5. Spoon batter using a cookie scoop and divide the muffin batter equally among the 6 prepared muffin cups, filling each cup about three-quarters full.
  6. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.
  7. Remove the muffin pan from the oven and let the muffins cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 6Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 187Total Fat: 8gSaturated Fat: 1gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 7gCholesterol: 31mgSodium: 166mgCarbohydrates: 28gFiber: 1gSugar: 17gProtein: 2g

Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (8)


Christopher is a food and lifestyle expert, recipe developer and the content creator behind May Eighty Five. With years of experience in the kitchen, he also shares tips, tricks and how to’s that he has learnt over the years. Every week, he shares quick, simple and mostly healthy recipes along with some home and entertaining tips. You will find flavorful co*cktails, delicious appetizers, tasty mains and some indulgent desserts. As a home decor enthusiast, he also likes to share simple DIY projects and simple tips for a beautiful home.


Easy Small Batch Banana Muffins (One Bowl Recipe) (2024)


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