The Stauffer Family: Where to Watch An Update on Our Family - WHO (2024)

When Myka Stauffer and her husband James Stauffer first opened their lives to the public, they quickly gained a large following, becoming popular YouTube content creators known for sharing their adoption journey and what everyday life looked like for the family of six.

However, their story took a dramatic turn in 2020, leading to widespread controversy and intense public scrutiny. Now, a new documentary titled An Update on Our Family promises to shed light on the events that led to the Stauffers’ most controversial decision: rehoming their adopted son, Huxley.

What happened to the Stauffer family?

Myka Stauffer and her family became well-known YouTube personalities, gaining significant attention for their content centred around family life and adoption. In 2017, they adopted a young boy named Huxley from China, who was later diagnosed with autism. However, the family’s story took a controversial turn in 2020 when they announced they had “rehomed” Huxley, a decision that sparked widespread outrage and criticism.

The Stauffer Family: Where to Watch An Update on Our Family - WHO (1)

Why did the Stauffers give up Huxley?

The Stauffers cited difficulties in managing Huxley’s special needs as the primary reason for their decision. They stated that despite their efforts to provide the best care for Huxley, who was two and a half at the time of his adoption, they felt that his needs were beyond what they could handle.

The decision to place Huxley with another family almost two years after his initial adoption was portrayed as a necessary step to ensure he received the specialized care and support he required, he has since been renamed by his new family.

At the time, Myka shared with audiences that after undergoing “multiple assessments and evaluations,” Huxley’s team of doctors recommended he spend time with other families better equipped to care for him.

“There’s not an ounce of our body that doesn’t want Huxley with all of our being. There wasn’t a minute that I didn’t try our hardest,” she said in the family’s announcement video, later adding, “Do I feel like a failure as a mom? 500 per cent. So when we get insidious, hurtful comments, it really makes it hurt worse.”

Following James and Myka’s announcement, their lawyers issued a statement on their behalf.

“In coming to know our clients we know they are a loving family and are very caring parents that would do anything for their children,” their legal team said in a statement published by People in May 28, 2020.

“Since his adoption, they consulted with multiple professionals in the healthcare and educational arenas in order to provide Huxley with the best possible treatment and care. Over time, the team of medical professionals advised our clients it might be best for Huxley to be placed with another family.”

“They were forced to make a difficult decision, but it is in fact, the right and loving thing to do for this child.”

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Where is Myka Stauffer now? Is she still on social media?

A month after making their public announcement, Mkya shared a lengthy statement to her Instagram account. This apology would become the family’s last public post before they stepped away from the public eye.

“I want to first off apologize for the uproar and take full responsibility for all of the hurt that I have caused,” she began her statement.

“This decision has caused so many people heartbreak and I’m sorry for letting down so many women that looked up to me as a mother.”

Explaining that she was “so naïve” throughout the adoption process and admitted the family “needed more training” before welcoming Huxley, Myka continued; “I was not selective or fully equipped or prepared.”

“I can’t say I wish this never happened because I’m still so glad Huxley is here and getting all of the help he needs. I also know that even though he is happier in his new home and doing better that he still experienced trauma and I’m sorry, no adoptee deserves any more trauma. I wanted to help so bad I was willing to bring home any child that needed me.”

“We love Huxley and know that this was the right decision for him and his future,” she concluded her post, “praying that Huxley only has the best future in the entire world.”

Since then, the family’s channel and Myka’s personal YouTube channel have been deleted. Meanwhile, James’ Stauffer Garage channel remains active, focusing exclusively on car flipping, detailing and cleaning,

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What is An Update on Our family about?

An Update on Our Family is a new documentary from Vox Media Studios that aims to revisit the Stauffer family’s journey, focusing on the events that led to their controversial decision to rehome Huxley.

The three-part series will provide an in-depth look at the scandal and include clips from since-deleted YouTube Videos.

Here’s the official synopsis, per Tribeca:

Myka and James Stauffer were the picture of the 21st century American Dream: happy marriage, beautiful kids and a self-built YouTube vlogging empire. At the center of it all was Huxley, an adorable young boy they adopted from China. Huxley was more than just their star — he was their son. Until one day, he wasn’t. A provocative three-part series, “An Update on Our Family” exposes the hidden-in-plain-sight, unregulated family vlogging industry.


Where to watch an Update on Our Family in Australia

An Update on Our Family premiered at Tribeca on June 6. At this stage, we don’t have any information on when the series will be available to stream in Australia, but we’ll keep you updated.

Madison Scott

Madi is a senior digital producer for WHO and loves all things fashion and pop culture. If she’s not reading a new book, she’s probably scrolling aimlessly on Pinterest or window shopping.

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The Stauffer Family: Where to Watch An Update on Our Family - WHO (2024)


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